A few years ago I left a career in banking to devote myself to my newfound passion - ART. I am thankful that I dared to leave to try something new, beautiful and unknown.
ART - No fine art degree - no art school, but a true love to create. I embrace every day in my studio. I challenge myself in my painting and in exhibiting my art in different ways. I paint because I enjoy it and hopefully others will enjoy it too.
INSPIRATION - I get my inspiration almost everywhere, and nowhere. It might be a scent, a color, a woman walking down the street. I spend a lot of time in my own head. Thoughts become pictures, become dreams.
WORK - A blank canvas makes me excited! Ideally, I´d like to be alone, listening to musik (loud). Genre depending on the mood I´m in.
I ´d like to go large in canvas size, so working on the floor is great. I use my fingers, knives, and I splash paint, because it makes the result rather unpredictable and imperfect - which I like.
WHO IS ELLA - Ella´s got attitude, she is strong. Ella is the new me!
There is no hidden meaning - I simply want to distribute my positive feelings.
/Anneli Asp, aka "fröken Ella"